Robware Software by Rob

Van Conversion: Part 6 - Rear door handle relocation

One of the key things I want to do is be able to open the door from the bed. The door handle, in its factory position, will be hidden away in the garage so it need to be moved. There's only one other feasible place for the handle, which is the top of the door. Luckily this is where I want it anyway.

Door drilled and rivnuts installed
Door drilled and rivnuts installed

I had to get a 9mm drill bit specially for this.

Handle dry fit
Handle dry fit

It feels much sturdier here than its usual location.

Next I took some road bicycle brake cable, 3D printed some adapters, and strapped it all together.

End stop for the handle
End stop for the handle

See it's chamfered hole to allow cable flex
See it's chamfered hole to allow cable flex

End stop for the brake cable, and clip for factory cable
End stop for the brake cable, and clip for factory cable

Stuck to the door with PU adhesive
Stuck to the door with PU adhesive

Cable clamp to join the cables
Cable clamp to join the cables

Video of it in action:

It's a little stiffer than before, but that's to be expected with a longer cable run. Pretty happy with how it came out.


If you remember the last installment from fitting the floor, there was actually a crucial part missing; trimming to finish the edges off and protect them. My aluminium finally arrived, so I was able to do it:



Posted on Thursday the 27th of May 2021